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Our Top Teams

  1. Team Raised $5000 Mt. Zion Gobble Joggers - $7,270.00
  2. Team Raised $5000 CWM Green Machine - $7,200.00
  3. Team Raised $1000 MUST Keep MUST Running! - $2,495.00
  4. Team Raised $1000 Ike's Mighty MUST Squad - $2,050.00
  5. Team Raised $1000 Northwestern Mutual -- North Atlanta - $1,870.00
  6. Team Raised $1000 Team M&M - $1,750.00
  7. Team Raised $1000 Gobbling Galts 2017 - $1,525.00
  8. Team Raised $1000 Just Do It - $1,000.00
  9. Team Raised $500 Homer's Turkey Trot - $975.00
  10. Team Raised $500 Masters of the Universe - $940.00

Our Top Participants

  1. $5000 Raised I Helped My Neighbors In Need Rita Moore - $6,120.00
  2. $1000 Raised I Helped My Neighbors In Need Aria Galt - $1,525.00
  3. I Helped My Neighbors In Need Angela Phelps - $1,025.00
  4. $500 Raised Mallory Williams - $800.00
  5. $500 Raised I Helped My Neighbors In Need Cathy Ayers - $750.00
  6. $500 Raised I Helped My Neighbors In Need Laura Holbert - $620.00
  7. $500 Raised I Helped My Neighbors In Need Patrice Sumpter - $600.00
  8. Melanie Bufford - $575.00
  9. Dwight Reighard - $550.00
  10. $500 Raised I Helped My Neighbors In Need Howard Cox - $500.00